How Often do You Really Need to Get a Haircut —

    Для девушек, Для мужчин, Красота, Толковые

Many people ask me: «how often do I really need to get a haircut». Like, «here’s my hairdresser says to get a haircut 2 times a week, although he takes a little — only 500 bucks». But, unfortunately, it also happens that hairdressers turn out to be masters not only in haircuts, but also in earning your money. In this article we’ll answer how often you need to get a haircut for men who own short hair, and women with luxurious manes. And vice versa.

Myths and facts about cutting your hair

• Hair won’t become thicker or more beautiful if you cut it more often.

• But if you don’t get enough sleep, or if your lifestyle is unhealthy (you don’t running and don’t eat properly), also if you’re nervous and neglected by the vitamins, then the hair will be bad.

• If you get a haircut not by the schedule, nothing terrible’ll happen. The «police of fashion» won’t arrive, and won’t not put you in a spa for 15 days. But f you don’t get a haircut for a very-very long time, your hair’ll start interfering with wiping your butt.

• Hair grows to a centimeter and a half every month.

How often should woman cut her hair?

They say if a woman decided to change her hair, she also decided to change her man. But why changing a man if he tolerates all her spending on visits to hairdressers every week? So let’s look at those factors that really affect how often you need to get a haircut. First of all, it’s their length.

Short hair.

To maintain a strict short haircut, more visits to the hairdresser are required. If you didn’t get a haircut for a month, you can already go to the beauty salon to look perfectly.

But you can have such a haircut that the extra few centimeters won’t hurt. Whether you have such or not, it’s very easy to determine — look in the wallet, and if there’s no extra money for the beauty salon, then congratulations, you just have exact haircut!!

Long hair.

In general, they can be cut not so often, but athere’s another problem with long hair — split ends. This’s when the hair’s divided in half, like your budget for clothes, when the husband said that he needs a new tires for the car.

How often should you get a haircut for hair-ends? Professionals recommend not to delay until the moment when the bifurcation has already begun, and this’s about once every 3-4 months, or less often if the hair’s well-groomed.

• If you grow your hair, and the ends don’t severely split, then just remove about 1 cm. But only one centimeter can be removed only by descent craftsmen, who know the difference between 1 cm and 10 cm.

• If you don’t grow your hair, then simply ask the master to trim the form, removing about 1.3 centimeters for each month that you didn’t cut.

How often should man cut his hair?

The ideal time for going to get a haircut you can determine with help from your girlfriend. If she said that it’s time for you to go to the hairdresser, it’s still not the time. But when you hear this 5 times a day — then it’s time.

If you don’t yet have a girl, then you need to get a haircut more often — as soon as the hair starts to fall into the eyes or in a cup of tea. You need to get a haircut at least once in 2-3 months to obtain a girlfriend who can tell you when it’s time to get a haircut. Read more in our article How to Find a Girl.

The exception’s that you grow a hair in order to properly shake it on a Heavy Metal Concert. But in that case, why do you read this article? If you want to kill time while the hair grows, read What to do When There’s Nothing to do.

If you’re used to watching yourself, and your bathroom have lots of tubes with cosmetics, then there’s nothing terrible in looking at the female part of this article.

Wear beautiful hair, be stylish and attractive!


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